If it’s September, it’s Founders Award time

Press Release by Dori Sullivan
September 2024
Citrus County Chronicle

Hello September!! It’s time for our annual “Show and Tell” with Viewer’s Choice Awards including our prestigious Founder’s Award. Citrus Watercolor Society members bring their latest and favorite paintings to share with the viewer’s how they achieve such amazing results. Is it a new technique? Or a “happy mistake” that really worked? We can’t wait to hear your story.

Our meeting will be held at the Art Center of Citrus County Education Building located at 2644 N. Annapolis Ave in Hernando on Friday, September 13th. Light refreshments, “Meet and Greet” and a short business meeting will be held at 11:45 with the competition following. All are welcome to come and enjoy the time together.

We will have CWS member’s paintings on display and our viewer’s will vote for their favorite. The Founder’s Award will be presented to the overall winner. Other small cash awards include 1st, 2nd and 3rd, again by popular vote. Past recipients of the Founder’s Award include (but not limited to) Darla Goldberg, Peg LeFevbre, Chuck Chesnul and Mel Rustom. Will this year’s award be presented to you?? Come and see.

The Florida Watercolor Society annual convention is being held this September in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area. Three CWS artists had entries that were accepted for the convention exhibits. They are Pauline Boston and Kim Shields who are part of the top 100 entries and Heather Doherty who was accepted in the “Online Competition”. Well done!

Signian McGeary, our first Vice President and Program Coordinator, has lined up some very exciting workshop thru 2024 and well in to 2025. New brochures were printed and available at our next meeting. Our members receive a significant discount on the cost of the workshops. Details are available on our website https://citruswatercolorsociety.org . All artist skill levels are welcome. 

Volunteer opportunities are always available to our members. You might like to sign-up to be an “assistant” to our guest demonstrator where you will have the chance to be a helper for the artist during his/her workshop. You can help with our refreshments and clean-up after our “Meet and Greet” social hour. Are you a fan of plein air outings? Arranging these day trips might be just the thing for you. Helping to introduce new people to our membership is a fun way to get to know people who, like you, share the love of art. Talk to any CWS board member about your particular area of interest. We’d love to have you be a part of our team.

Thank you all for your continued support of Citrus Watercolor Society. We look forward to seeing you at our September “Show and Tell” program as well as at some of our future workshops and show. In the meantime, add color to your life thru art. Stay well – Dori Sullivan

Spring Luncheon and New Officers

Press Release by Dori Sullivan
May 2024
Citrus County Chronicle

Citrus Watercolor Society Plans Spring Luncheon and Installation of Officers

This month the members of Citrus Watercolor Society are celebrating the start of our calendar year. Our dues are being paid and the schedule of activities and workshops is lined up thru the end of 2024 and into 2025. Most importantly is the installation of our Board of Directors on Friday May 10th at our annual Spring Luncheon. We (especially me) are thrilled with the fact that our 2023-24 Board members have all signed on for another year! The board has been a super supportive team and we’re so excited about the coming months. Apparently so is our membership – we were all voted in unanimously! 

Our 2024-25 CWS Board includes Angela McMurray; Facilities, Gingi Martin; Corresponding Secretary, Deborah Newman; Recording Secretary, Aileen Croly; Treasurer, Jan Kuukari; Second Vice President and Membership, Signian Mcgeary; First Vice President and Programs; and Dori Sullivan; President. The luncheon gala will be held at the Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club. There may still be spaces left and if you can join us, contact Jan Kuukari at [email protected].

We’ve invited artist Jackii Molsick to present a demonstration for our luncheon guests. Jackii will show us how to use watercolors on masa papers creating unique results. As a well-known Florida artist and instructor, Jackii served as President of the Florida Watercolor Society in 2023 and we’re delighted she found the time to show us the “how to” of painting on a different base.

Summer is now showing its sunny face and many of our members and friends are taking vacations or traveling to their homes “up North”. We want to wish you safe travels but have a thought we’d like to send with you. Along the routes from Florida across our country there are some exciting art museums and galleries. I’ve been fortunate to have visited many and urge you to take a break and visit those special places in the big cities or the galleries in the smaller towns along your way. I can’t think of a better “break” than to get off the busy main highways and visit a gallery or museum. Take a bit of time to immerse the artist in you into the beautiful art created by the Masters or local artists like you and me.

When visiting St. Louis a couple of years ago I was stunned by the magnificent exhibit of Monet paintings at their wonderful art museum. You come out of the time spent contemplating the paintings both refreshed and inspired. Off the beaten path is always an adventure and thru your eyes, who knows what wonders you’ll see to paint when you reach your destination. Don’t forget your sketch book!

Citrus Watercolor Society welcomes new water medium painters as well as long time artists. Guests are always welcome to view the demonstrations (we ask a $5 donation). We meet once a month on the second Friday in the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church, 2018 Colonade Street in Inverness. Our workshops are held at Whispering Pines Park, in Inverness. Annual dues are $35 that entitles you to free demos and significant discounts on our workshops and all our other activities. We have a website that keeps our members informed. Check it out: www.citruswatercolorsociety.org . Come and see what we’re all about.

Sue Primeau Workshop

Press Release by Dori Sullivan
March 2024
Citrus County Chronicle

Have you ever struggled to determine when your painting is really finished? CWS invites you to a one day workshop with Sue Primeau on Saturday March 9th – we may help you with your struggle.

But first, I want to remind you that we have our regular CWS monthly Business Meeting on Friday, March 8th where Sue Primeau will share a demo with our members and guests entitled “How to Salvage A Painting”. Following the Friday demo, we will present her one day workshop on Saturday, March 9th. Sue will show us how to add the “spark” that will make your painting stand out and cause the viewers to take a second look. Maybe even a third look!

Over the past months, we’ve provided several workshops to our members that taught new techniques, challenging approaches to our paintings and much more. Hopefully, you’ve returned to your studio and proceeded to include what you’ve seen and heard with CWS into your newest “masterpiece”. But wait? Not exactly what you expected? Not luring you into the scene, showing the depth of feeling or the story you wanted your painting to tell? This workshop will help you and you’ll love the results.

Sue Primeau is a well-known watercolorist and instructor in Florida, Minnesota and beyond. Her travel trips to Europe are excursions we artists dream of taking. She considers her work “abstract realism” and enhances simple still life or plein air images into unique concepts of reality that boldly tell their stories. It’s been my privilege to take several classes with Sue and I guarantee you’ll be amazed at what you can learn from her. Her enthusiasm is infectious. For more information or to sign-up today visit https://citruswatercolorsociety.org or contact Signian Mcgeary, CWS Program Coordinator at email [email protected]

CWS monthly Business Meetings are held at noon on the second Friday of the month in the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church in Inverness on 2018 Colonade Street. Our demonstration follows our meeting and is free to CWS members but we ask a $5 donation from visitors. Light refreshments are served at 11:30 during our “meet and greet” social time. Our workshops are held at the recreation building in the Whispering Pines Park. Workshops are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (set-up is at 8:30). 

“Art in the Wildlife Park”! Once again the artist/members of Citrus Watercolor Society are contributing their time and talents to the Wildlife Park in Homosassa. March 2nd and 3rd during park hours you can view and purchase original art by our members, in addition to notecards and prints of past work. A percentage of sales is returned directly to the Friends of Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park. The show is juried and members may enter up to two paintings for judging. The rules for this Show and Sale are available at our website or by contacting Jeanne Conrad at [email protected]

The show is held in the Park’s Visitor Center on Hwy 19 in Homosassa Springs. No admission is charged to the Art Show. Come and see what wonderful art we have to offer you.

One last note – in April, CWS will offer a one day workshop with Mindy Lighthipe. Mindy is well known for her botanical and wildlife watercolor paintings as well as her children’s book illustrations. Look for details in my next column. In the meantime, stay healthy, enjoy the beauty surrounding you and keep your paintbrushes wet.   Dori Sullivan

Libit Jones Workshop

Press Release by Dori Sullivan
February 2024
Citrus County Chronicle

We invite you “To be Audacious” with artist Libit Jones.

From Webster’s New World Dictionary (Fourth Edition) audacious (o da’shes) adj. 1. Bold or daring; fearless 2. Not restrained.

Libit Jones knows all the tricks to help you go where you’ve never gone before with vibrant color, exciting design and extraordinary perspectives. Citrus Watercolor Society invites you to see a demonstration of Libit’s abstract artwork at our monthly meeting, Friday Feb. 9th at 11:30 AM at the First Christian Church on Colonade in Inverness. The demo is free to members, and a $5 donation is appreciated from guests.

Following her demo, Libit will present a one day workshop at Whispering Pines Recreation Building on Sat. Feb. 10th from 9:00 to 4:00 PM. The cost is $120 for CWS members, $150 for non-members. Contact Signian McGeary at [email protected] to register. A supply list will be sent to you following your registration.

Artist Statement: Art, like life, gives us plenty of opportunities to learn and to grow. I say, let’s take them.

All about Libit: “The last 20 plus years have been devoted to exploring water media and its many possibilities. I’ve gone from using only transparent watercolors, to rolling on gouache, from watercolor to fluid acrylic and back to watercolor, and from hating Yupo to loving it. As a teacher, I am continually learning new things and am inspired with new ideas from my students. That is why I love teaching as much as I love painting.”

“This workshop is for you IF you ever feel timid, anxious or scared in your art or any endeavor for that matter. If you are fearless, this workshop is for you. Stretching and challenging yourself in a welcoming environment is what this is all about. In this workshop you will explore and experiment! No pressure to complete a masterpiece. “What if?”, “Why not?”, and “Let’s do it!” will be our mantra. We will experience the abandonment of mingling, running and splattering paint. We will explore mark making with tools found around your home, garage and in nature.”

Show and Sale is coming up! CWS will have an “Art in the Wildlife Park” show and sale in Homosassa the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in the Visitor Center on Hwy. 19. Admission to the art show is free and 20% of the proceeds from art sales go to the “Friends of ESHSWSP”. The art show is juried and cash prizes and ribbons are awarded to the winning paintings. For more information contact Jeanne Conrad at [email protected].

At our January meeting of CWS, the members voted for the Painting of the Month. Winners were: First Place: Pauline Boston (a watercolor painting of her cat and dog on the sofa), Second Place: Judy Miller who showed her beautiful Magnolias. Both are wonderful paintings.

If you love art and want to meet others who share your passion for water medium painting, come to our next meeting to look us over. Beginners are welcome. Members often share techniques and you can share yours. Annual dues are $35 and payable in May. We offer exciting demonstrations, outstanding workshops and friendly people. Learn more about Citrus Watercolor Society at our website: citruswatercolorsociety.org .

Until next time, stay well and do a little drawing every day! It’s fun!! Dori Sullivan

Lionel Sanchez Workshop

Press release by Dori Sullivan
January 2024
Citrus County Chronicle

Happy New Year and Happy Painting with Lionel Sanchez!!

Here’s wishing you a very Happy New Year from the artists and members of Citrus Watercolor Society. We’re starting off the year with a “bang” and hope you will join us Friday, Jan. 12th at the First Christian Church at 2018 Colonade, Inverness for our monthly business meeting and demonstration by Lionel Sanchez. 

Lionel is one of our favorite landscape and marine watercolor artists who will conduct a one day workshop, Saturday January 13th at the Whispering Pines Recreational Building from 9 AM until 4 PM. Lionel’s subject will be from a selection of landscape or marine scenes that he will use to guide us, step by step thru the process, until we have a completed painting. It’s fun and yes, even a relaxing day spent with a fun artist who has a wealth of information and techniques to share with you. Please join us!

The workshop fee for members is $95 and for non-members, $125 payable to CWS. To register for the workshop, please go to our website http://www:citruswatercolorsociety.org . There is a registration form on the site as well as membership information. Guests are always welcome to attend our monthly Business Meetings. The demo is free to our members and we ask a $5 donation from non-members. Come and see what we’re all about. 

Our regular Business Meetings are held monthly except for May, July and December in the Fellowship Hall at First Christian Church. Doors open at 11:15 and light refreshments will be served. Our library will be open and an amazing selection of books and DVDs are available for you to borrow. There are also plastic sleeves for sale that are so important for those finished pieces of art you want to display or sell.

Speaking of displaying your artwork – members are welcome to bring in one of your latest paintings for our “Painting of the Month” contest. Certificates will be awarded to the first and second place winners. The popular vote by our members and guests determines the winners. We need at least five paintings to hold the competition. 

Looking ahead, we’re planning another “Art in the Wildlife Park” show and sale in a few months. Look for the date and details on our website or our Facebook page. This two day weekend show and sale includes a juried competition with awards for Best in Show, First, Second and Third Place, two Honorable Mention awards and the President’s Choice award. Entry into the show is for members only and a percentage of our sales is donated to the Wildlife Park in Homosassa. 

Until next time, stay well, paint and dip your brush into even brighter colors.

“Creativity takes courage” Henri Matisse. 

December 2023 Luncheon

Logo of CWS

Press Release by Dori Sullivan
December 2023

Jerome Chesley’s collection of paintings, from his years of work, showcases a variety of subject matter including florals, still life, architectural and land/seascapes. His watercolor paintings, giclees and mixed media set the stage for surrounding oneself in a rich indulgence with a range of subtle to bold color.

Jerome is a signature member and 2018 President of the Florida Watercolor Society, Master Signature Member and past president of the Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society and instructor at the renowned Chautauqua Institution summer program. He has won numerous awards for his paintings, many of which are in private collections. He has been twice selected as the Artist in Residence at the Art Ovation Hotel in Sarasota where he has had a body of his work exhibited in two exhibitions.
Are you excited about having a workshop with an outstanding artist? Why not share the experience and invite a friend to join you? That would be a unique Holiday gift for someone special.

Looking ahead, in January 2024, Lionel Sanchez will present a demonstration of his very special landscape and marine painting techniques followed by a one day workshop at Whispering Pines. Along with Lionel’s demo on January 12, we’ll have an “Artist of the Month” competition open to all members and the opportunity to see the exciting line-up of presenters we have scheduled for the rest of 2024. We’re starting off the New Year with vibrant colors, designs and composition in watercolor. Beginners are welcome – there is always something you take away from a workshop that adds to your personal style. Lionel’s demo is the highlight of that Friday meeting followed by a fun workshop that is very popular, so sign up soon. (Contact: Signian McGreary at [email protected] for details).

Citrus Watercolor Society meets on the second Friday of the month at the First Christian Church in the Friendship Hall. Our “Meet and Greet” time begins at 11:15 with light refreshments with a short business meeting at noon. The monthly demo follows the meeting. Guests are welcome and are asked for a $5 donation. Workshop fees vary with members having a significant discount. Annual membership is $35. Our website at www.citrustwatercolorsociety.org has membership details and all the benefits of being a part of the “friendliest watercolor society” around.

Until next time, my very best wishes for a Blessed Holiday Season, wishing you Peace and Joy in the New Year.
Dori Sullivan

Color Strategies in Abstract Design with Bev Yankwitt

Press Release by Dori Sullivan

Dori Sullivan

“Color Strategies in Abstract Design” and “Abstract Landscapes” by Bev Yankwitt brought to you by Citrus Watercolor Society.
It’s a busy month for Citrus Watercolor members and friends. Read all about it!

It’s not too late to sign up for Bev Yankwitt’s two-day workshop presented by the Citrus Watercolor Society, November 11th and 12th at the Whispering Pines Recreational Building. Our members’ workshop fee is $120 and non-members are welcome to attend for $150 (cash or checks payable to CWS). A complete supply list will be sent to you at the time of registration. Contact Signian Mcgeary at [email protected] for more information.

On Friday, Nov. 10th CWS will meet in the Family Center at the First Christian Church at 2018 Colonade Street in Inverness. On the agenda is light refreshments and “meet and greet” with members and guests at 11:15 until our regular monthly business meeting at noon. Following the meeting, Bev Yankwitt will present a demonstration of some of the techniques she will be using at her workshop. The demo is free to members and a $5 donation is asked from guests.

Bev’s striking paintings show all the basic components of art – value, perspective, design and color – lots of vibrant color with textures as well as surprise elements that bring excitement to every painting. She is an excellent teacher with a style that makes artists, both beginners and longtime painters, comfortable with their work. Please join us. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the workshop.

We are delighted to announce that the members of CWS will be having a juried Show and Sale at the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park on Highway 19 in Homosassa Saturday Nov. 18 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM and Sunday Nov. 19 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. “Art in the Wildlife Park” will offer original watercolor paintings and greeting cards created by our members. A portion of the proceeds from our sales will be donated to the Park. Admission to the Show and Sale is free!

Members are welcome to bring one of their paintings to our meeting for the “Artist of the Month” competition. Please have your paintings matted or framed. It is a “Viewer’s Choice” vote and certificates are awarded to the first and second place entries.
The weather is becoming simply wonderful for painting “on site” and CWS offers monthly outings to local parks and other sites for plein air experiences. You will enjoy visiting the location Joyce Cusick has selected and after painting, have lunch together at a local restaurant. Outings are scheduled on the Tuesday following our meeting at 9:30 AM. CWS members and guests meet and spend the day guided by Joyce, painting the images brought to you by beautiful Citrus County Florida.
In December we celebrate the Holidays with a luncheon and special guest at the Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club. Reservations must be made in November, so be sure to come to our monthly meeting where you can RSVP, make your menu choice and learn about our guest artist, Jerome Chesley.

CWS offers many opportunities to its members to enhance their watercolor techniques through our monthly workshops and demonstrations. Sharing the time and talents of our members is a fun experience and there always seems to be something new that makes our paintings better than ever. Annual membership is $35 and a membership form is on our website at citruswatercolorsociety.org. We look forward to meeting you soon.

In the meantime, stay well, and keep those paintbrushes wet!

Simple Stencils, Dramatic Effects by Darla Goldberg – October 13, 2023

Press release by Dori Sullivan
September 2023

Back by popular demand … Artist Darla Goldberg will present a demo on the use of stencils to enhance your painting as well as a one-day workshop to make unique stencils and create the promised “Dramatic Effects” in your painting. The demo will be held immediately after the Citrus Watercolor Society meeting at noon on Friday, Oct. 13 at the First Christian Church of Inverness at 2018 Colonade, Inverness. The workshop will be held at Whispering Pines Recreation Building Sat. Oct. 14 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The cost is $95 for members, non-members fee is $115. The demo is free to members and a $5.00 donation is appreciated from guests. is an award winning artist and I’ve enjoyed her presentations and workshops immensely. She is a fun instructor who works closely with those in her classes. All levels are welcome. Darla’s specialty is photo realistic eyes based on her professional history as an oculist who designed prosthetic eyes. Her artwork has been enhanced with unique techniques and “painterly” ways of creating beautiful backgrounds to make her work (and yours) “pop”. It’s been my observation that textures, enhanced colors and other striking additions to your artwork is the way to go. When you visit local galleries and art centers, look closely at what paintings attract you. Today, an addition of a variety of techniques has become popular and adds to the excitement of modern paintings. With all of CWS workshops, there are many new techniques you can learn to give your painting the spark it may need.

CWS offers its members opportunities to learn not only at our workshops and through our demonstrations, but by interacting with our artist/members during our pre-meeting “social hour” that begins at about 11:15 in the Family Center at First Christian Church. Light refreshments are provided and individuals who wish to bring in their painting for an “Artist of the Month” competition are asked to bring their work by 11:30 for the viewer’s choice vote. We have both beginners and longtime artists within our membership and we provide helpful hints just for the asking. Our library is crammed full of resources, both books and DVDs that are available for your use. We also have those important plastic “sleeves” for matted paintings and cards for sale.

Looking ahead, we will once again host Art in the Wildlife Park Show and Sale at the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Wildlife Park, Saturday and Sunday, November 18th and 19th ,2023. Admission to the show is free and a percentage of the artist’s sales are donated to the park. Mark your calendars now and come to the show and sale, just in time for holiday gifts.

In September, it was my privilege to present the CWS Founder’s Award to Darla Goldberg for her stunning watercolor painting of a blooming cactus flower. We want to thank the following for participating in the competition and sharing their inspirations and techniques used in their work. They are Gingi Martin, Jeanneine (Cole) Chesnul, Polly Boston, Darla Goldberg, Dori Sullivan, Signian McGeary, Judy Snow, Aileen Croly, Yvonne Brunelle, Judy Miller, Heather Doherty, and Ellen Hines.

Be sure and check out our website at www.citruswatercolorsociety.org for all the latest news about our activities. Annual dues are only $35 and the benefits are many. We’d love to have you become a member of the “friendliest little watercolor club anywhere”! Until next month, stay well and enjoy the inspirations that drive you to painting.

Dori Sullivan

Members Show & Tell- September 8, 2023

Press Release by Dori Sullivan

Yes! It’s September and on Friday the 8th, Citrus Watercolor Society will host their membership’s annual “Show and Tell” which includes the CWS Founder’s Award. It’s been a long, hot summer and we’re excited about seeing your latest paintings.

You did spend time in air conditioned places painting, didn’t you? Please bring a single piece of your artwork to our meeting by 11:30 AM so they can be displayed and sign-in if you wish to share a bit about your work. We’d love to know about your techniques and inspirations. We’ll meet in the Family Life Center at the First Christian Church at 2018 Colonade, Inverness. Light refreshments will be served as you enjoy seeing the paintings and mingling with the artists.

The competition for Best in Show, Second and Third place are awarded by “viewer’s choice” so please be sure to vote for your favorite. The Founder’s Award is a cash prize and certificates are awarded to the runners up. Please bring your original watercolor or water medium on paper, no prints.

Our membership is growing and we invite our readers to think about joining the “friendliest watercolor society” in Central Florida. Annual dues are $35 payable to CWS and, in addition to seeing free demonstrations throughout the year, you receive a members’ discount for our workshops. We have an exciting line-up of artists who will be providing a variety of techniques during our busy months in 2023 and 2024. Some names may be familiar to you – Sue Primeau, Jerome Chesley, Darla Goldberg, Lionel Sanchez, Libit Jones, Bev Yankwitt and more. All are talented and fun workshop leaders. Our workshops follow our regular monthly meeting on the second Friday of the month, either for one or two days at the Whispering Pines Recreational Building. Workshops are a fun weekend spent with artists like you!

In September, the Florida Watercolor Society will be having their 42nd Annual Convention in nearby Ocala. We’re pleased to announce that three of our members, Kim Shields, Judith Callison and Polly Boston have been accepted into the Convention’s Exhibit. For more information about the FWS Convention, please explore their website: http://FloridaWatercolorSocity.org for details.

Congratulations to Judi Miller who won the Artist of the Month award for August. Her striking watercolor floral painting was determined winner by popular vote at our recent meeting.

Looking ahead, we have some big news. In November, CWS members will present a Show and Sale at the Homosassa Wildlife Park. The show will be judged and 20% of the artist’s sales is donated to the wildlife park. So, tell your friends about our fund raiser for the State Park, home to many Florida birds and animals. It’s always a great time to visit and November 18th and 19th a great place to shop for the Holidays.
Please check out our website https://CitrusWatercolorSociety.org for all the latest updates as well as membership and workshop details.

Thank you readers, we appreciate your continued support.


Announcement, September 2023

President Dori Sullivan presented the Founders Award to Darla Goldberg for her stunning cactus flower painting.

Getting Your Painting Ready to Show- August, 2023

Getting Your Painting Ready to Show!

On Friday, August 11, Citrus Watercolor Society will present two noted local artists, Curt Bond and Kim Shields, to demonstrate what is needed to make your artwork ready for exhibit. Our CWS business meeting, as well as the demo, will be held in the Family Life Center at the First Christian Church of Inverness at 2018 Colonade, Inverness. Light refreshments and opportunities to vote on the monthly “Artist of the Month” paintings begin at 11:15. The meeting and demo (Getting Your Painting Ready to Show) begins at noon.

Both artists have vast experience in showing their work. Curt is a watercolorist whose work is mostly birds – beautiful water fowl and birds of all shapes and sizes. You can usually see his work at the “Art in the Wildlife Park” show and sale held at the Homosassa Wildlife State Park. He is past president of CWS and involved with Nature Coast Painters (Beverly Hills).

Kim is known for his plein air paintings done on site from the Inverness area to points South such as Tarpon Springs. Kim also served as president of CWS as well as president of the Florida Watercolor Society. Besides an award-winning watercolorist, Kim works in Pastels as well. And I’ve heard they are both entertaining with their presentations. You certainly don’t want to miss this CWS demo. There is no charge for CWS members, and a $5 donation is appreciated from guests. All are welcome.

Interested in learning more about Citrus Watercolor Society, check out our website: http://citruswatercolorsociety.org and be sure and look at the gallery.

We meet the second Friday of the month, except for July (no meeting) and May and December when we have luncheons at local restaurants. Our meetings begin at Noon, but come at 11:15 AM to meet and greet other members/artists, enjoy light refreshments and see some of our work on display.

Until next month, stay safe and keep your images bright.

Dori Sullivan