Successful Spring Luncheon

Our 2024 Spring luncheon gala was held at the Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club. It kicked off with Installation of our 2024-25 CWS Board which includes Angela McMurray; Facilities, Gingi Martin; Corresponding Secretary, Deborah Newman; Recording Secretary, Aileen Croly; Treasurer, Jan Kuukari; Second Vice President and Membership, Signian Mcgeary; First Vice President and Programs; and Dori Sullivan; President.

Following lunch we were treated a demo on how to use watercolors on masa paper by Jackie Molsick. She is a well known Florida artist and instructor. The unique results she achieves are sure to inspire our members to try their hand at the creative techniques she demonstrated.

Our newly installed Board

Spring Luncheon and New Officers

Press Release by Dori Sullivan
May 2024
Citrus County Chronicle

Citrus Watercolor Society Plans Spring Luncheon and Installation of Officers

This month the members of Citrus Watercolor Society are celebrating the start of our calendar year. Our dues are being paid and the schedule of activities and workshops is lined up thru the end of 2024 and into 2025. Most importantly is the installation of our Board of Directors on Friday May 10th at our annual Spring Luncheon. We (especially me) are thrilled with the fact that our 2023-24 Board members have all signed on for another year! The board has been a super supportive team and we’re so excited about the coming months. Apparently so is our membership – we were all voted in unanimously! 

Our 2024-25 CWS Board includes Angela McMurray; Facilities, Gingi Martin; Corresponding Secretary, Deborah Newman; Recording Secretary, Aileen Croly; Treasurer, Jan Kuukari; Second Vice President and Membership, Signian Mcgeary; First Vice President and Programs; and Dori Sullivan; President. The luncheon gala will be held at the Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club. There may still be spaces left and if you can join us, contact Jan Kuukari at [email protected].

We’ve invited artist Jackii Molsick to present a demonstration for our luncheon guests. Jackii will show us how to use watercolors on masa papers creating unique results. As a well-known Florida artist and instructor, Jackii served as President of the Florida Watercolor Society in 2023 and we’re delighted she found the time to show us the “how to” of painting on a different base.

Summer is now showing its sunny face and many of our members and friends are taking vacations or traveling to their homes “up North”. We want to wish you safe travels but have a thought we’d like to send with you. Along the routes from Florida across our country there are some exciting art museums and galleries. I’ve been fortunate to have visited many and urge you to take a break and visit those special places in the big cities or the galleries in the smaller towns along your way. I can’t think of a better “break” than to get off the busy main highways and visit a gallery or museum. Take a bit of time to immerse the artist in you into the beautiful art created by the Masters or local artists like you and me.

When visiting St. Louis a couple of years ago I was stunned by the magnificent exhibit of Monet paintings at their wonderful art museum. You come out of the time spent contemplating the paintings both refreshed and inspired. Off the beaten path is always an adventure and thru your eyes, who knows what wonders you’ll see to paint when you reach your destination. Don’t forget your sketch book!

Citrus Watercolor Society welcomes new water medium painters as well as long time artists. Guests are always welcome to view the demonstrations (we ask a $5 donation). We meet once a month on the second Friday in the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church, 2018 Colonade Street in Inverness. Our workshops are held at Whispering Pines Park, in Inverness. Annual dues are $35 that entitles you to free demos and significant discounts on our workshops and all our other activities. We have a website that keeps our members informed. Check it out: . Come and see what we’re all about.

May Luncheon -2023

Celebrating 42 Years as the Friendliest Watercolor Society in Florida

There will not be a regular meeting nor a workshop held in Inverness on the second Friday in May. The membership will be enjoying a Spring Luncheon at the Citrus Hills Country Club on Friday May 12th. On the program, besides a delicious lunch, will be the Installation of the Officers of CWS for 2023-24.

Retiring officers have served CWS faithfully for their time in office and we want to thank them for all they have done. During the year of Covid and the following months, while we’ve been taking time to get our lives back together, these loyal men and women did their utmost to bring new life and enthusiasm into our organization. “Thank you” just doesn’t seem enough. There is a large Board of Officers and Directors that together pitched in and made those very big jobs relatively simple. Sharing the load, under the leadership of Marjorie Bannish, they worked and we’re happy to say our membership is growing again and we have some exciting workshops planned for the coming year.

Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month, August- June. Meetings are held at The Family Center of the 1st Christian Church of Inverness, 2018 Colonade Street, Inverness, FL. Our May and December Luncheons are held elsewhere. Check the Calendar page of our website for location and directions. There is no meeting in July. Annual dues of $35 are payable to CWS in May.

The Executive Meeting begins at 10:30 AM. Light refreshments are available during Social “Hour” 11:15 am-12:00 pm. Painting of the Month Competition begins at 11:30 am. Please join us so you can get to know our friendly members and artists. The Members’ Business Meeting is at 12 pm, followed by a special Demonstration of about an hour.

A very special guest artist, Mindy Lighthipe, will present a demo on her amazing botanical and nature paintings at our Spring Luncheon. For more information about the May 12th luncheon and demo, please look to our website at or contact Ellen Hines at [email protected].

Until next time, stay well and think about taking an active part with a great group of men and women artists at Citrus Watercolor Society. Dori

Annual May Luncheon

Thirty five members attended the Annual May Luncheon at Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club on May 13, 2022. Many thanks to those members who contributed to a successful luncheon:
Aileen Croly, Susan Strawbridge, Darla Goldberg, Barbara Fife, Sandra Copenhaver, Jackie Cash, Jeanne Conrad, Helene Lancaster, and Terry Carter.

Special thanks to Jackie Cash and Sandra Copenhaver for coordinating luncheon reservations; and Terry Carter for setting up the Demonstration Equipment.

Thank you to Polly Boston for her gracious watercolor demonstration.

Darla Goldberg presented Joyce Cusick with a Certificate of Life Membership for her dedication and invaluable contributions to CWS throughout her long membership.