We hope that you appreciate and enjoy this wonderful library resource.

The Library continues to grow! We recently received many books in memory of member Sandra Drosz. Also, long-time and beloved member Jo Ann Boyd donated many books from her library.
If you have questions, please contact Librarians:
Donna Swisher or Judith Callison
- All books are due back in one month.
- Members may check out two items each month.
- A fine of $5.00 may be charged if a book is not returned or renewed for one additional month.
- Member is responsible for replacing lost or damaged book with new or used item of same similar subject.
- Shared magazines are not signed out and may circulate at meetings throughout the year.
Also available at the Library Table
Sizes are
2×8-½ bookmark
5-7/16 x 7-¼ card, 5-7/8 x 7¾ card, and 6×9 large card
8 x10, 9×12, 11×14, 12×16, 14×18, 16×20, 18×24, 20×26, 20×28, 22×30, 22×36 and 28×36. (note new large size)