We had over 20 entries for Founders Day and Show and Tell on September 13, 2024. The nice article in the Chronicle Newspaper on September 6th, written by Dori likely contributed to such a large turnout. It was all beautiful work. Several people brought items in for Show and Tell. There was a lot of engagement by the members and the table set ups encouraged conversation.
Barbara Kerr passed out some of Curt Bond’s paintings for review, Lionel Sanchez spoke about his painting and techniques, and Jeaninne Cole discussed her entries from Kim Shield’s workshop, and her own display of card sized paintings. Nearly all artists who participated addressed the group on their inspiration.
We were especially entertained by Theo’s presentation. Everyone was comfortable and really appeared to enjoy themselves. The environment is really a major change and huge improvement over our previous meeting location.
Marjorie Bannish, our Painting of the Month Coordinator, tallied the votes and made the awards.
Judi Miller – Founders Day Award for Coconuts
Yvonne Brunelle – 1st place for Goose and Duckling
Jeannine Cole Chesnul – 2nd place for Nightime Landscape
Judith Snow – 3rd place for Iris
The raffle of Kim Shields painting from the workshop raised $115. Gingi will send a thank you to Kim. Our lucky winner was Jan Clark, a guest.
Congratulations to all!