If you ever wondered what you might do to have fun, get inspired and learn something new–all at the same time, here’s your answer: Attend a Lionel Sanchez workshop. Creativity was unleashed at this January workshop. The proof is in the photos.

If you ever wondered what you might do to have fun, get inspired and learn something new–all at the same time, here’s your answer: Attend a Lionel Sanchez workshop. Creativity was unleashed at this January workshop. The proof is in the photos.
Press Release by Dori Sullivan
February 2024
Citrus County Chronicle
We invite you “To be Audacious” with artist Libit Jones.
From Webster’s New World Dictionary (Fourth Edition) audacious (o da’shes) adj. 1. Bold or daring; fearless 2. Not restrained.
Libit Jones knows all the tricks to help you go where you’ve never gone before with vibrant color, exciting design and extraordinary perspectives. Citrus Watercolor Society invites you to see a demonstration of Libit’s abstract artwork at our monthly meeting, Friday Feb. 9th at 11:30 AM at the First Christian Church on Colonade in Inverness. The demo is free to members, and a $5 donation is appreciated from guests.
Following her demo, Libit will present a one day workshop at Whispering Pines Recreation Building on Sat. Feb. 10th from 9:00 to 4:00 PM. The cost is $120 for CWS members, $150 for non-members. Contact Signian McGeary at [email protected] to register. A supply list will be sent to you following your registration.
Artist Statement: Art, like life, gives us plenty of opportunities to learn and to grow. I say, let’s take them.
All about Libit: “The last 20 plus years have been devoted to exploring water media and its many possibilities. I’ve gone from using only transparent watercolors, to rolling on gouache, from watercolor to fluid acrylic and back to watercolor, and from hating Yupo to loving it. As a teacher, I am continually learning new things and am inspired with new ideas from my students. That is why I love teaching as much as I love painting.”
“This workshop is for you IF you ever feel timid, anxious or scared in your art or any endeavor for that matter. If you are fearless, this workshop is for you. Stretching and challenging yourself in a welcoming environment is what this is all about. In this workshop you will explore and experiment! No pressure to complete a masterpiece. “What if?”, “Why not?”, and “Let’s do it!” will be our mantra. We will experience the abandonment of mingling, running and splattering paint. We will explore mark making with tools found around your home, garage and in nature.”
Show and Sale is coming up! CWS will have an “Art in the Wildlife Park” show and sale in Homosassa the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in the Visitor Center on Hwy. 19. Admission to the art show is free and 20% of the proceeds from art sales go to the “Friends of ESHSWSP”. The art show is juried and cash prizes and ribbons are awarded to the winning paintings. For more information contact Jeanne Conrad at [email protected].
At our January meeting of CWS, the members voted for the Painting of the Month. Winners were: First Place: Pauline Boston (a watercolor painting of her cat and dog on the sofa), Second Place: Judy Miller who showed her beautiful Magnolias. Both are wonderful paintings.
If you love art and want to meet others who share your passion for water medium painting, come to our next meeting to look us over. Beginners are welcome. Members often share techniques and you can share yours. Annual dues are $35 and payable in May. We offer exciting demonstrations, outstanding workshops and friendly people. Learn more about Citrus Watercolor Society at our website: citruswatercolorsociety.org .
Until next time, stay well and do a little drawing every day! It’s fun!! Dori Sullivan
Photos of the Award winners at this year’s Fall Art Show, courtesy of Deb Newman and Dori Sullivan. Thank you!