Hurrah! It’s the middle of Summer in beautiful Central Florida! I see life slowing down a bit, not quite as many cars on the roads, not much of a wait at restaurants and even Citrus Watercolor Society is taking a break. There will not be a meeting of CWS in July! Now don’t you wonder just what our watercolorists are doing during this “vacation”?
I, for one, am trying to get my studio organized. I have no idea when that cyclone swirled thru my art supplies and put them into such a mess. So instead of exploring my favorite plein air sites, I’ll stay in my air-conditioned home and “clean house” so I’m ready for the next workshop sponsored by CWS in August.
If you can’t wait, I’ll tell you this much. Susan Jane Donohoe will be the featured artist and she’ll have a brief demo at our Business Meeting Friday, August 12th with a one-day workshop Saturday, August 13th. You may register for the class now. Simply contact Susan Strawbridge at [email protected] to get on the list. I’ll have more to say about upcoming demo and workshop in my next article. Yes, in August we will be at the First Christian Church and the one-day workshop will be at Whispering Pines Park. Details like the subject matter, the supply list and fees will be included next time.
Another “down time” activity that you might consider is trying out some of the newer techniques and “tricks” you’ve learned over the past few months from our demonstrations and classes. These may add new sparkle to your artwork. Enhancing various textures to backgrounds or even placing more dark values in old paintings can give your artwork a whole new look. The lazy days of summer may be the ideal time to “putter” with old paintings or try a whole new approach to your latest creation. Relax and have fun, no matter what you do!
The CWS Paint Around held in June was a really enjoyable experience. Not only was it fun to watch the artists add their special touch to the paintings, we had time to look over their shoulders and see how they bring their work to life. Barbara Fife has created a brief video that shows the “Paint Around” every step of the way. Check it out at https://citruswatercolorsociety.org
Citrus Watercolor Society meets the second Friday of each month (except July) in the Family Center of First Christian Church of Inverness at 2018 Colonade Street, Inverness FL with light refreshments at 11:30 AM. The meeting and demonstration begins at noon. In addition to our regular demos and workshops by well-known nationally and local watercolor artists, members also enjoy “Painting of the Month” competitions, the use of our library, scheduled plein air outings, and more. Annual dues are $35 payable to CWS. Guests are always welcome! (Please sign in when you arrive. A $5 donation is appreciated).
I’m looking forward to the August programs at CWS. I do plan on taking the workshop and hope I see you there. Have a wonderful July – enjoy family, friends and beautiful Central Florida. Until next time, stay well – Dori