April 2021
Press Release by Norm Freyer

The Citrus Watercolor Society (CWS) continues an active program of popular virtual workshops in place of planned monthly meetings canceled due to the COVIC-19 pandemic. CWS Program Chairperson, Susan Strawbridge, has enlisted Sarasota watercolorist Jerome Chesley to conduct a one-day virtual workshop live via Zoom on Saturday April 10th. Chesley spends his winter in Sarasota and summer in residence in Mayville, N.Y., and is an instructor at the renowned Chautauqua Institution summer program. He is a signature member and 2018 President of the Florida Watercolor Society (FWS). He is Master Signature Member and past president of the Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society
Jerome has a degree in art from SUNY College at Buffalo, studied at the University of Art in Siena, Italy, the Scottsdale Art School, and with distinguished teachers throughout the U.S. His background in education at both public school and college levels allows him to incorporate the elements of art including, form, pattern and color in his work. He teaches painting throughout Florida. Jerome worked in the Gloria Plevin gallery and was later the Assistant Director of the Art gallery in the Chautauqua Institute. He was on the VACI Advisory Board and continues to volunteer in many capacities. In addition, he has created multiple art projects benefitting community organizations. He has won numerous awards for his paintings, many of which are in are in private collections throughout the US, Canada and Europe.
Jerome Chesley’s collection of paintings, showcase a variety of subject matter including still-life, floral, architectural and land and seascapes. The watercolor paintings, giclée’s and mixed media set the stage for surrounding oneself in a rich indulgence with a range of subtle to bold color. His style allows the white of the paper to sparkle throughout his work. Much of his subject matter is based on a collection of familiar objects or places he has visited, those which have a special meaning or significance. You can view some of Jerome’s work at the following web site: https://search.aol.com/aol/image;_ylt=AwrE19.KxVRg4QEAViVpCWVH;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?q=jerome+chesley+artist&v_t=wscreen50-bb
Virtual workshops are conducted on Zoom and fill up fast. Class size is limited to facilitate individual attention from the instructor. With Zoom you are in the front row! For workshop cost and more information contact Susan Strawbridge at (352) 212-4378 or by email at [email protected]