June President’s letter…A Recap of the Paint Around!

What a day it was. We started out horror stricken when we arrived at the church and it wasn’t set up, no lights, no tables, nothing that had been scheduled was laid out. A terrible miscommunication and so instead of a board meeting, we started setting up for our Paint Around and we got things ready just in time. I have so many to thank for putting the event together – I haven’t been at the top of my speed lately and I’m so grateful to all of you for making the job easier.

C. J. Westrick started in the kitchen and laid out the goodies and then even took time to join Marjorie Bannish to review and audit our finances as requested by Aileen Croly. Aileen and Ang McMurray ended up being our super salesmen selling the raffle tickets during the Paint Around until just before we picked the winners. Jill van Eldik (Theo’s wife) volunteered to be timer and using her “teacher’s voice” kept the artists moving. Jeanniene Cole stepped up to help with matting the completed paintings. Gingi Martin welcomed our members and guests at the door and assisted with getting people signed up for Kim Shield’s workshop in August as well as Anne Abgott’s workshop in October. (More about these workshops later!) Donna Swisher and Loretta Bell took pictures and Loretta had them posted on our Facebook page that same day! Wow! Jan Kuukari donated paper for the artists and the mats, backing and sleeves were also donated. Signian kept things rolling and provided the “daisy bags” for our tickets. I had a wonderful opportunity to mingle and talk with our guests, new members and longtime members. Since the atmosphere was casual, everyone seemed to be enjoying the opportunity of looking over the artist’s shoulders as their work progressed. It was the best meet and greet ever!

A special “Thank you” goes to our artists; Curt Bond, Kim Shields, Polly Boston, Vicki Prichard, Jackii Molsick and Loretta Bell. You are the greatest! Your shared time and talents are a great gift to CWS and we love and appreciate you all!!

The following winners of the paintings were; Sherry Bundy for Kim Shields’ plein air scene, Jeanne Conrad won Curt’s painting, Paula Green was a double winner – she walked away with both Polly Boston and Loretta Bell’ paintings, I won Jackii Molsick’s Zen garden and Chris McKinney won Vicki Prichard’s sunset at Fort Island. A total of $370 was made from the drawing for these unique works of art. 

Thank you, all our members and friends, for participating and being a part of the 2024 Paint Around.

Remember, we are not meeting in July. Enjoy your days in the sun (or shade) and we’ll see you on August 9th for Kim’s demo, followed by his workshop on the 10th and 11th . I believe we are at the limit with registrations for the workshop, but check our web-site and emails to be sure. Stay well –  Dori