February 2022 Press Release by Dori Sullivan

It is so exciting when we get to enjoy one of the spectacular Florida sunsets or see the striking variety of shades of green and bright golds popping up within the wonderful landscapes found in our own back yard. No wonder artists from all over come to our communities to create beautiful paintings. The Citrus Watercolor Society is pleased to invite you to the February monthly meeting of CWS where you can see noted watercolor artist, Kathy Durdin, demonstrate how to expand your color palette and apply what you learn to working from photographs. This demo and meeting of CWS will be held Friday, Feb. 11 at the Family Center of the 1st Christian Church of Inverness, 2018 Colonade Street, Inverness, FL at 12 noon. Guests are always welcome.
The demonstration will be followed by a two day workshop entitled “Loosening Up and Seeing Color Everywhere” on Feb. 12 and 13 at the Whispering Pines Recreation Building from 9:00 to 4:00 PM (including a lunch break). The workshop fee is $110 for CWS members, $140 for non-members – checks are payable to Citrus Watercolor Society. To register for the workshop or more information, email Susan Strawbridge, at [email protected].
Kathy Durdin is a national award winning watercolor and mixed media artist. She has exhibited across Florida, as well as from New York to California. She also teaches classes and workshops inspiring her students to loosen up their work and enhance their skills. Watercolor provides her with a medium that allows her to create work quickly and create paintings with freshness and immediacy as she expresses herself. Her style is loose, to take advantage of the characteristics of the medium. Her work needs to be viewed from a distance – small and large areas of color make up her images.
Workshop attendees will also work on creating focus, simplifying, and using photographs as a starting point to explore color and lost edges. There will be time to work on finding centers of interest and focusing detail in the area of the center of interest. You don’t want to miss this exciting workshop and the opportunity to paint with Kathy Durdin.
On a personal note, I can’t thank Norm Fryer enough for his dedication and talent that has been the backbone of “getting the word out” about CWS. These are big shoes for me to fill. I’m relatively new to watercolor painting and love painting “en plein air” (on location) around the area. For the past couple of years, I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences with Citrus
Watercolor Society and its caring, friendly membership. I do hope you will become a part of this dynamic group of artists. Until next time, stay well and add brilliant color to your life!
Dori Sullivan
[email protected]