Press release by Dori Sullivan
January 2024
Citrus County Chronicle
Happy New Year and Happy Painting with Lionel Sanchez!!
Here’s wishing you a very Happy New Year from the artists and members of Citrus Watercolor Society. We’re starting off the year with a “bang” and hope you will join us Friday, Jan. 12th at the First Christian Church at 2018 Colonade, Inverness for our monthly business meeting and demonstration by Lionel Sanchez.
Lionel is one of our favorite landscape and marine watercolor artists who will conduct a one day workshop, Saturday January 13th at the Whispering Pines Recreational Building from 9 AM until 4 PM. Lionel’s subject will be from a selection of landscape or marine scenes that he will use to guide us, step by step thru the process, until we have a completed painting. It’s fun and yes, even a relaxing day spent with a fun artist who has a wealth of information and techniques to share with you. Please join us!
The workshop fee for members is $95 and for non-members, $125 payable to CWS. To register for the workshop, please go to our website http://www:citruswatercolorsociety.org . There is a registration form on the site as well as membership information. Guests are always welcome to attend our monthly Business Meetings. The demo is free to our members and we ask a $5 donation from non-members. Come and see what we’re all about.
Our regular Business Meetings are held monthly except for May, July and December in the Fellowship Hall at First Christian Church. Doors open at 11:15 and light refreshments will be served. Our library will be open and an amazing selection of books and DVDs are available for you to borrow. There are also plastic sleeves for sale that are so important for those finished pieces of art you want to display or sell.
Speaking of displaying your artwork – members are welcome to bring in one of your latest paintings for our “Painting of the Month” contest. Certificates will be awarded to the first and second place winners. The popular vote by our members and guests determines the winners. We need at least five paintings to hold the competition.
Looking ahead, we’re planning another “Art in the Wildlife Park” show and sale in a few months. Look for the date and details on our website or our Facebook page. This two day weekend show and sale includes a juried competition with awards for Best in Show, First, Second and Third Place, two Honorable Mention awards and the President’s Choice award. Entry into the show is for members only and a percentage of our sales is donated to the Wildlife Park in Homosassa.
Until next time, stay well, paint and dip your brush into even brighter colors.
“Creativity takes courage” Henri Matisse.