Note from President Dori Sullivan:
Thank you all for your participation and support of our Annual Paint Around in June. Our wonderful artists worked together in a quick competition with every painting definitely a winner. We really appreciate your time and talents – all of you – for making this event such a success. (You can see photos on the CWS website) Thank you again, Curt Bond, Deb Newman, Ellen Hines, Darla Goldberg, Polly Boston, Lionel Sanchez and Barbara Kerr. Signian McGeary and her volunteers also did a fine job having the tables ready for the Paint Around, helpers for the artists as well as ticket sales and a matting team ready to add the finishing touches for our raffle. It was an impressive lineup of fine paintings and volunteers! I also want to thank Dick Carlton for putting together the room layout according to our specific needs.
Here is the link to the video created by Kim Shields.
Additional photos of the event are below.