CWS Celebrating the Holidays

Citrus Watercolor Society will be enjoying a special Holiday treat on Friday, Dec. 9th with the member’s annual luncheon at Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club. The festivities include a delicious lunch, Holiday Greeting Card exchange, and many other surprises.
Our special guest will be the popular watercolor artist Tom Jones who will show us some of his latest work and a demo of what’s to come at his two-day workshop, Dec. 10th and 11th. The workshop entitled “Creating Colorful Loose Watercolors” will be held at Whispering Pines recreation facility in Inverness from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM both days. There may still be a space for you in the workshop, and if you’re interested, register at our website
The workshop will include a variety of painting techniques developed by Tom Jones, as well as his hands-on guidance with your individual painting. Students will enjoy instruction with emphasis on developing first wash, values, textures, variety of color, edges and shapes, as well as creating the illusion of light.

This remarkable artist (who is known for his signature Panama hat) paints spectacular watercolors that all tell a story, some with multiple chapters that reflect his love of landscapes or travel experiences. He enjoys creating a series of three to five paintings to complete his story of the subject. He is known for his multi-day plein air painting events for watercolor artists of all levels both here and abroad. We are so fortunate that this talented artist calls Central Florida home.
Tom seeks to make his workshops fun and entertaining as well as to help students leave with fresh ideas for painting in watercolor. He will provide paints by MaimeriBlu and Arches watercolor paper for his students. The workshop fees are $115 for CWS Members and $145 for non-members. A complete supply list and details are available on the CWS website. I hope you will join us.
At the November Citrus Watercolor Society meeting, Polly Boston was awarded first place in the member’s Painting of the Month competition for her portrait of “Margie”. Second place was awarded to Marjorie Bannish for her pelican painting. Congratulations to both of you.
Our CWS membership is growing and there’s always room for more. At last count, we have 85 enthusiastic watercolor artists who welcome beginners and longtime painters to our monthly meetings, shows, demos and workshops. We’re a friendly group looking to share our love of watercolor in a relaxed, fun environment. Annual dues are $35 and our meetings on the second Friday of the month are held in the Family Center in the First Christian Church of Inverness, 2018 Colonade St., Inverness. For more information see our website:
Until next time, may your Holidays be filled with good health, friends, family and colorful works of art.
Dori Sullivan
Photos from the December Luncheon; Tom Jones Demonstration
Photos contributed by Dori Sullivan

December 10-11, 2022
Workshop with Tom Jones
at Whispering Pines Park Recreation Center
Workshop photos contributed by Deb Newman