APRIL 8, 2022 Press Release by Dori Sullivan

Friday, April 8th, at the Citrus Watercolor Society meeting, Darla Goldberg will present a demonstration showing her unique “Emphasis on Backgrounds”. Very often we paint the perfect bird, flower or animal but then are stymied with the emptiness shown in the background. You’re invited to see Darla present ideas about textures, color and techniques that will complete your painting and not only enhance your image but add excitement to your artwork. She will introduce several methods of creating those attention-grabbing backgrounds including Brusho, a powered watercolor ink, to further develop color and texture.
Darla Goldberg is not only our featured artist in April, but also serves as the current President of CWS. Darla is an artist who has always painted, drawn and even sculpted since early childhood, eventually, she focused painting in oils. Originally from Pittsburgh, Darla moved to Florida when she retired in 2001. Shortly after settling in Citrus County, friends invited her to Citrus Watercolor Society meetings where she was so impressed with the friendly people and dynamic workshops, that watercolor and CWS soon became her passion. After taking many workshops, attending demos and entering various competitions, Darla set her goal to become an artist who shares her talent thru teaching. She is a member of the Florida Watercolor Society as well as Citrus Watercolor Society and hangs her paintings in the Frank Anderson Gallery in Crystal River.
Professionally, Darla was an Ocularist who designed and fitted artificial eyes. She followed her designs to the lab where the eyes were manufactured; and then fit them for the patients. When you look at her paintings of animals and birds be sure to take note of the realistic eyes that capture light, shape and realism.
The Citrus Watercolor Society (CWS) monthly meetings are held at noon on the second Friday of the month at the Family Center in the First Christian Church of Inverness, 2018 Colonade St., in Inverness. Guests are always welcome. CWS welcomes all ages, men and women, beginners as well as long time painters. See our website for more information: www.citruswatercolorsociety.org.
Prior to the business meeting, members have the opportunity to vote for the “Painting of the Month”. Winners are selected by popular vote for the artwork brought in by members. Congratulations to our March artists, first place winner was Peg LeFebvre for her “Traveling Bright” watercolor painting and second place winner Polly Boston for “Bricks”. All CWS members are encouraged to bring in their work to show during the meeting.
With spring in the air, you might want to consider joining CWS member, Joyce Cusick, on one of her fun “Plein Air” outings. Monthly, on the Tuesday following the CWS business meeting, Joyce selects a local venue and invites those interested in painting “what you see” at that particular site. We arrive at a time when the light is interesting (9:00 – 9:30 AM) and finish up our painting before noon. Joining together at a local restaurant for lunch adds to the fun. Check out details at the CWS website. Joyce is probably the most devoted of plein air painters I know. It’s rumored that she’ll even paint during a rainstorm, in her car, of course! Joyce and her enthusiasm for painting on location is remarkable. Thank you, Joyce, for sharing your love of “en plein air” with us.
All are welcome at the Citrus Watercolor Society monthly meetings. I hope to see you there! Until next time, stay well – enjoy a colorful Spring.